Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Just got infuriated by this article from the Green Bay Press Gazette: Minnesota has 10,000 Fair-Weather Fans

The writer is pissing and moaning about how the MN Twins are doing well this year, and the Milwaukee Brewers are sucking, but their attendance is still better than ours, and blah blah blah...Minnesotans are fair weather fans, Wisconsin is better than Minnesota...blah blah blah

Which is annoying, first of all, because I go to Twins games CONSTANTLY...I was actually at the game he is whining about (getting quietly annoyed by the drunk, screaming Brewers fans behind me and later getting a cup thrown at my head by another one. I didn't say anything, of course. I'm a Minnesotan, after all). And second of all, if we are fair weather fans, wouldn't our attendance be good when the Twins are doing well? Isn't that the definition of fair weather fandom? WTF?

But I felt much better when I saw that the comments section had been infiltrated by snarky Minnesotans. Here are some of the greatest hits:

twinsfan32 wrote: "Wow...Thanks for reminding me how lucky I am to be a Twins fan and not a Brewers fan. God they suck! :)" 7/2/2008 4:28:20 PM

tato01 wrote: "I guess this is one way to look at it....Another way, though, is that Wisconsin fans are IDIOTS...Brewers and Packer fans sound like major league sports wet-dream. I can just hear the boardroom discussions: "You mean we can put out a mediocre product and they will STILL COME?"
Minnesota fans pay for performance. Wisconsin fans pay for anything." 7/2/2008 4:33:46 PM

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