Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I took a writing class in May and I've been a bit stymied with my writing ever since. The teacher and the rest of the class gave me a lot of suggestions to improve my work...a LOT of suggestions...and maybe I should take it as flattery, like if it was bad writing, they would have just smiled and said good job...but the whole thing just makes me feel lazy and uninspired. Add to that the fact that I read some of my favorite writers' blogs today, and they all seemed to be feeling lazy and uninspired, and that didn't even make me feel better, like I was part of a larger movement (or lack of movement, as the case may be...ha ha ha), I just felt like the whole writing about yourself thing can be horribly self indulgent, and who gives a shit if you feel lazy and uninspired? If you feel lazy and uninspired, why don't you do something about it? And by something I mean nothing, because no one wants to hear about your lazy lack of inspiration. Just be lazy. No one needs to know. No one really cares. Let us know when you're inspired again, and then maybe you'll write something worth reading. Jesus. And I do plan to take my own advice. Starting...NOW.

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