Sunday, September 18, 2011

Good news, everyone: My husband is annoying me again! Part 1

So, it's been a while since I posted. A year and a half, perhaps? I did wind up moving to Michigan, but I should specify that it's the U.P., which is more like a shriveled appendage of Wisconsin than a part of Michigan. No offense! It's a super-bumblefuck area (no offense!), which meant that Frank wasn't able to move here until March, and even then, it was really lucky, because he got one of the six jobs available in the town.

The point I'm trying to make here is that we lived apart for a lot of months. Seven. And we got to missing each other. A lot.

He helped me move here last August, the weekend before my teacher training began. When he left that Monday, it involved many tears on my part, but he reminded me that I'd be coming back home in four days. (The upcoming weekend was our anniversary, and we had Twins tickets.) So, after that first week of training, within minutes of being dismissed, I drove my little white Volvo the seven hours to Minnesota. I pulled into Saint Paul late that night, and fell asleep in my old bed in my old apartment with my old man and things still seemed relatively okay.

The Twins won the game and the weekend was normalish, except for me agonizing over making a syllabus for a large percentage of it, and us spending my last morning in town looking at a somewhat crummy (but more affordable) apartment closer to Frank's job in the suburbs. He started the proceedings to sign a yearlong lease, which should have terrified me, since I had just moved to Michigan to start a 3-year school program, but I was in such a daze about everything that it all seemed reasonable. He'd looked for jobs in Michigan, and there was nothing. What else could we do? And surely they'd at least clean the apartment before he moved in. Everything would be fine!

1 comment:

Cynthia Anne said...

Yayayayayyyyyyyyyyy! Return of web-Chanomi!