Friday, April 30, 2010

geography update

So...guess I'm going to school in northern Michigan after all. To the third snowiest city in America. I had four other geographical/school choices:

1. humid swampland school

2. cold-and-far-from-home-wingnutland school

3. bleak-desert-border-town-across-the-river-from-the-current-winner-of-the-most-dangerous-city-in-the-world-contest school

4. southeastern-urban-sprawly-military-zone school

Most important factor in my decision: none of these places offered to pay my tuition. Northern Michigan did. So, off I go. To Northern Michigan. Seven hours from home, and a beautiful drive...WHEN THE ROADS AREN'T IMPASSABLE DUE TO WINTER CONDITIONS. waaah-waaaaaa-WAAA-AAAH. (That was a sad trombone, in case you were wondering.)

But seriously. I'm excited. I get to be a teacher and a writer for a while. And shit, I grew up in northern Minnesota, so I have the cajones for it.

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